
Why RESEE OEM sports products?

發(fā)布時(shí)間 : 2021-07-08

The new product

China sports expo (sporting goods) is one of the country's largest sporting goods exhibition in China. The exhibition company important influence of the sports industry. Shenzhen hui bo needs to show our customers to provide more new products and new thinking. Hui bo team is very good, the development of new products, I will be more than 10 every year. It contains a stopwatch, sports bracelet, smart watches, and so on.

Contact with customers

Every year, more than 100 customers to come to our booth with this year's situation and future prospect of regional manager. The collected customer requirements will be passed on to our general manager. Company general manager will ensure that each customer's demand is very good. Every year there are a lot of customers have thoughts and ideas came to our booth, the scene and product manager communication scheme is feasible. Most of these plans will be in the later research workshop implementation. Then the customer will be a long-term cooperation with us. All customers with hui bo cooperation more than half of the decade.

Leading the industry trend, create value for customers

As the frontier in the field of sports timing, hui bo for the industry. On the fair, we will show the new train of thought and the standardization of the industry, in order to help more enterprise jointly create value for customers.

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